I know right? Can you be truly happy in your 20's? uh, YEAH! you can be! Going by experience (and the joys of being 25) I've finally nailed being happy in my 20's and realising whats important to me and my future without compromising my happiness and wellbeing. I know this is a big subject and many struggle with this so I thought id share it from my prospective and to be able to help even if its just a slither of help to someone, Id feel amazing from helping.
If your passionate about something, do something with it! I know it sounds totally cliche but hear me out! I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was younger, and everyone will always try and make you feel like a failure if you don't go to university (it sucks, but trust me, it gets better!) BUT joining a work place in a subject that inspires you or interests you is a great way to start being happier, not only because your doing work that you enjoy, you also stay motivated to improve etc. I mean I joined Topman when I was 22, and now at 25, Im full time, in charge of the VM and creative side of things for the store and now have a huge passion for visual merchandising and styling which could lead to so many other areas which I'm so proud of because i've worked my ass literally off and i feel like i've accomplished something that you cant get from a degree or studying endlessly for. I know so many people who dont have any passion for their jobs etc and they hate it, but honestly, fight for a job that you believe in and it works for you, then go for it 100%!
Surround yourself with a support network; Now this is an important one (especially if you've dealt with mental health issues or are battling them, trust me, it honestly gets better) but theres nothing more comforting that a great support network. Being in your 20's, you feel like you can take it all on but trust me, its not that easy. Everyone has days that are horrendous and you cant deal with all of it, so having that connection with people who always care/listen/be there for you is invaluable. It can be anyone, from your manager at work, to your family, to a neighbour etc, finding that confidential confidence is just the best feeling when you know that they genuinely care etc plus they're the least likely to judge you if you ugly cry (like i've done SOOOOOOOOO many times in front of the people I go to)
the fine art of not giving a shit; I love this one so much. I have heard it TIME AND TIME AGAIN 'but what if you change your mind?' 'think about this in years to come' especially since getting tattoos (and it all happened when I did the blue hair) BUT honestly, I COULDN/T CARE if people don't like it etc. Its my decision, not yours. Its my body, not yours. Its my life, not yours. Don't let anyone tell you how to direct your life and what you want to look like. Ive lost count how many times i've heard comments about how i look/dress and to be honest, I actually couldn't care, what should matter is that Im happy, that Im doing something that I love, and that Im happy in myself (this is an incredibly poignant moment if you've had a body dysmorphic disorder etc and Im proud of anyone who makes this breakthrough and recovers) Nobody should dictate how your suppose to look, individuality is something that should be celebrated and called for in this day and age, and I feel that in your 20's you become more comfortable in yourself in this situation.
& finally smile more!
Until next time,